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The transformational year long group mentoring program and manifestation course where you’ll learn how to ALIGN to your truest desires so you can manifest a life of FREEDOM.

You are not here by coincidence or chance.

If you are on this page right now, it’s because you are supposed to be here.

You know that YOU are ready for massive change.

You know that you are worthy of living the life you truly desire.

You are more than open minded to receive a blueprint to show you exactly how to call in the wealth you truly desire and manifest a life greater than you have ever dreamed of.

The Time is NOW.

Here is the Money Manifestation Academy Blueprint (Lifetime Access To All Course Modules)

Phase 1- Get clear, back it up with your WHY, and declare your intention to the Universe (4 Weeks)

This foundational phase will get you aquainted with Neuro Linguistics Programming & hypnosis so you can have the most successful possible in the program. During this phase you will learn how to do a current life evaluation, get clear on what it is your desire and the WHY behind your desires, and learn to declare your intention to the Universe. In order to manifest your dream life, you need to first know where your are currently on the journey and then you need to set your actual destination point. Think of this phase as the building blocks for your experience in the Academy.

Phase 2- A deep dive within where the true money manifestation magic exist (4 Weeks)

During this core phase of the Academy, we take a deep dive beneath the surface to find the stories that are holding you back from creating the wealth we truly desire. This phase is the weeding & pruning part of the program. In the phase one, we planted the seeds, now it is time to clear away any weeds that are there or that pop up along the way. During this section you will learn how to identify your money stories, heal from them, and create new stories that empower YOU. You will also learn how to declutter people, situations, and things that are no longer serving you so you can make space for your rich life.

Phase 3- Step into your rich life NOW (4 weeks)

This final phase of the Academy that ties all the magic together is where the seeds you planted during phase one are watered and finally blossom. During this phase, you will learn how to become an energetic match to your dream life and money. You will learn the most powerful manifesting tools that will help you crack the code finally to manifesting the life of your dreams.

Amoya Shante | © 2022 | All Rights Reserved

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