Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM.

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante (The Subconscious Reprogramming Queen) and your certified Manifestation Mentor!

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM .

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

As Seen In

Hola, Beautiful Soul!

I am an entrepreneur, mom of four girls, fiance to the most amazing soul ever, and digital course creator who sold all my possessions to travel the world full-time as a former single mom of three.

I am master NLP practitioner certified by Yager Training Company in the following areas: Quantum Time Technique Practitioner, Practitioner Hypnotherapist Certification, Certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistics Programming.

After traveling the world full-time as well as living abroad in Canada, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Panama, and Mexico, I was inspired to start my very own online business teaching women how to transform their relationships with themselves and money so they can manifest their dream life.

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to break free from their limiting beliefs and create lives of absolute FREEDOM.

I have a heart centered approach that will help you go from feeling stuck and lost to feeling empowered and clear on the steps you need to take to create your joyful dream life.

I am passionate about helping people transform their mindsets so they can create wildly wealthy lives of FREEDOM!

My Blog

The Unbelievable Truth: Mastering the Law of Delusion for Manifestation

The Unbelievable Truth: Mastering the Law of Delusion for Manifestation

Have you ever believed in something so much that it actually came true? Or maybe you've really hoped for something, like a sunny day for your picnic, and it actually happened? ...more


January 02, 20247 min read

Taking Flight: Our Family’s Leap into Full-Time Travel with Mexico City as Our First Stop

Taking Flight: Our Family’s Leap into Full-Time Travel with Mexico City as Our First Stop

June 30th is the start of a new chapter in our family's life. We're heading out on our full-time travel journey, catching a red-eye flight to the vibrant heart of Mexico - Mexico City! ...more


June 28, 20233 min read

We are leaving Mexico (Again)

We are leaving Mexico (Again)

In this blog post, I explain why we have decided to leave Mexico again and I tell you what our next plans are. ...more


April 10, 20234 min read

How I Manifested My Relationship

How I Manifested My Relationship

I made a list of everything I desired in a partner and I got as specific as possible. I then got clear on what I thought my person would desire in me thanks to the guidance of one of my coaches. ...more


November 07, 20223 min read

How To Manifest More Money

How To Manifest More Money

Is it possible to attract more money into your life? Absolutely! It's true whether you believe it or not. The law of attraction and manifesting refer to the idea of working with the Universe to turn y... ...more


November 07, 20227 min read

How To Attract Abundance Into Your Life

How To Attract Abundance Into Your Life

Abundance is your birthright. You are meant to have everything that you have ever wanted and more. However, life can sometimes blow you off course. Negativity and misconceptions about how influential ... ...more


November 07, 20225 min read

Connect with me on Social Media

Follow me on TikTok, Instagram, Youtube & Facebook to get access to the best content, tools, strategies & teachings for manifesting a reality wilder than your wildest dreams!

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Amoya Shante | © 2022 | All Rights Reserved

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro
Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro