For the woman who is READY to manifest money through fun, play, ALIGNMENT, and pleasure so that you can live a life of FREEDOM- AKA your YUMMY LIFE!
Reprogram your subconscious mind so you can make MONEY your lover instead of your side piece!
A love note from Amoya Shante!
You are here to make an impact and get paid abundantly for sharing your gifts with the world.
And we are here to support you and show you a powerful process that will make you a Money Magnet.
If you tired of burnout and hustle, seeking to manifest money and life of FREEDOM you truly desire while making an impact & you're willing to break “the rules”…
You’re in the right place!
Payment notifications going off while you are on a beach sipping a margarita in foreign lands.
Getting paid abundantly for sharing your unique gifts with the world.
Looking at your bank account and feeling abundant AF.
Buying what you want because money no longer determines what you can or can not have.
Knowing deep down that money loves to support you in living your absolute best life.
Being able to truly enjoy life every day because you are no longer spending energy or time worrying about money.
Feeling safe and supported by money every single day.
Being surrounded by other women where you can talk about money and your desires freely without guilt or shame.
Knowing how easy it actually is to manifest the money & life you truly desire and how your business is just one money channel that you do it through.
Living a life of ease, flow, and fun because money loves you and wants to be with all the time.
(Not for long because you are joining us in the Academy😉)
No matter how much money you make or receive it all seems to disappear.
You are constantly thinking about money and not having enough of it.
Checking your bank account is something you avoid like the plague.
You can’t seem to make over a certain amount no matter what you do.
You keep having to say no to the things you desire because of money or the lack thereof.
You secretly feel bad, guilty, or ashamed for desiring more of it.
You feel like it is easy for everyone else but definitely not for you.
No matter what you do there never seems to be enough.
You block yourself from having more because you're afraid you’ll lose it all.
You worry about what others will think if you truly make the money you desire.
To want to give up on my biz because no matter what I did or how many times I launched I wasn’t hitting my income goals.
To have to keep saying no to the things I wanted to do in life because of money.
To feel like I had an amazing product and offer but wasn’t getting paid for the value I was giving the world.
To feel burnt out because I kept undercharging and over delivering.
To feel like it was easy and possible for everyone else but not for me.
To be scared to check my bank account.
To feel unworthy of being compensated for my unique gifts.
To feel guilty and ashamed for desiring more money while there are people in the world without shirt basic needs met.
I felt like I kept trying over and over again and nothing was working.
Sure... I heard others talk about 20k, 30k, 50k launches but that seemed ridiculous to me and impossible.
And 6 figures in business sounded like a dream only available to others not me.
2021 was my rock bottom year and also the head that everything shifted.
I remember decided enough was enough after I got hit with yet another overdraft fee.
I began shifting my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings around money.
And money started flowing to me.
The more I went within, the more money and opportunities came my way.
The more I shifted my own perception of money and its role in my life, the quicker it came into my reality.
And the more I invested in me the more money I made and the better I felt.
And I met my soulmate shortly after.
Moved into my dream home in Mexico just a few months after that.
And my monthly biz income grew from 2k, to 3k, to 10k, and up to 16k a month!
And my mind was blown.
I now have a 6 figure biz but that’s not even the best part.
The best part is that I love my life and work.
I don’t have to hustle or burn out.
I get paid to have fun.
I get paid to change lives.
And my heart is full.
This is what I want for you.
And this is what is available for you.
This or something even better.
Because you define your reality and bank account.
And guess what?
It worked for countless other women who said YES to themselves and a life of freedom.
What I teach in the Academy works.
And it’s a repeatable easy process.
I live this process day in and day out and so do my clients which is why they get the results!
This Academy will completely change your relationship with MONEY forever.
By the end of the year in the Academy, you will…
Feel good about your relationship with money.
Feel confident in charging for all the amazing value you give to the world.
Have healed your money wounds and limiting beliefs around money.
Created a sexy money plan that has you excited to get out of bed every day.
Have clarity on your money goals and how to execute them.
Get excited every time you sit down to look at your bank accounts.
Feel ABUNDANT AF and know that more is already on the way.
Become a magnet for clients, friends, and LOVE and MONEY.
Where, together, we will connect and dive deep into transforming your relationship with MONEY so you can manifest your YUMMY life!
Tap away your limiting beliefs so you can access your RICH life now.
Instant Access to 54 Motivational,
Inspirational, & Empowering video transmissions/lessons with Amoya Shante
These video lessons contain everything Amoya used to design and manifest a life of absolute FREEDOM.
Our Daily Video Money Community Chats in Marco Polo is like being on FaceTime with your BFFs on a daily so you can stay connected to all your dreams and desires while being held in straight love..
You get access to the #1 Money Manifestation sisterhood and community on the internet. This is the worth the entire investment of the Academy! Seriously. We are family and there is no community out there like ours.
Join before Monday March 20th At 3:33 PM CST and receive group (Embody Your Most Abundant Year) bonus session plus replay
with Amoya Shante!
Meet our Team!
You are not here by coincidence or chance. If you are on this page right now, it’s because you are supposed to be here...
You know that YOU are ready for massive change.
You know that you are worthy of living the life you truly desire.
You are more than open minded to receive a blueprint to show you exactly how to call in the ABUNDANCE you truly desire and manifest a life greater than you have ever dreamed of.
The Time is now!
Let me be honest.
Lean in here.
There is no secret to this manifesting money game. There really isn’t.
There are books, courses, programs, blogs, YouTube channels, and everything else out there teaching on how to manifest money and how to create your dream life.
You can keep learning about the manifesting world that way.
I did for years but let me tell you this, it wasn’t until I invested in myself and surrounded myself with others who had similar goals and desires as me that everything changed for me.
When I invested, it was like telling the UNIVERSE I was ready for change.
And the investment helped me hold myself accountable to doing the work.
I would have stayed learning for free and never truly moving forward.
Lots of info from a lot of people isn’t that helpful.
In fact, it can slow you down and leave you feeling confused and frustrated.
For me, I was so done getting my info from various sources and never going deep enough for lasting powerful AF change.
I needed it packaged together with accountability, guidance, support, clarity, and love.
That is what you will find in MMA.
I believe in my students and clients.
I believe in their ability to choose themselves and to invest in themselves and since I believe in them and they believe in themselves they get major results.
That’s the beauty of surrounding yourself with people who will uplift, support, love, and hold you in accountability.
A YUMMY life is one that is abundant in love, joy, good health, connection, fulfillment, experiences, and yes, financial freedom.
Who is Amoya Shante?
I am so excited to share this program and experience with you.
It’s literally transformed my life for the better and I get to now GUIDE YOU, QUEEN!
I’ve been passionate about guiding others on how to transform their mindsets so they can design and manifest a life of FREEDOM for forever now.
I had to learn the hard way through trial and error with little guidance.
Money Manifestation Academy is everything I did to overcome my divorce, single mommyhood, depression, anxiety, perpetual brokeness, grow my income to 6 figures, and limiting beliefs.
It led me to my soulmate and dream life in Merida, Mexico.
You don’t have to learn the hard way.
It gets to be EASY and FUN.
I am a mindset and manifestation mentor, certified master NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, life coach, and the creator of the game changing program- The Money Manifestation Academy.
MMA is the Academy that will help shift everything for YOU.
I believe in my students and my heart lead approach makes you feel instantly at home in our Queendom.
Her coaching style:
Amoya has a different approach to coaching. Yes, she will hold you in loving accountability.
Yes, she does believe in your ability to complete the money manifestation’s action items.
Amoya believes in creating powerful hypnosis recordings for you and facilitating transformational group timeline therapy sessions.
She understand that emotions are real and meant to be felt not demonized.
In MMA, we work on the subconscious level which is where you operate from 95 percent of the time.
We create lasting change by rewiring and refiring what is happening underneath the surface and bring a level awareness to it so we can change on a core level which leads to massive change in our physical reality.
A rich life is one that is abundant in love, joy, good health, connection, fulfillment, experiences, and yes, financial freedom.
Who is Amoya Shante?
I am so excited to share this program and experience with you.
It’s literally transformed my life for the better and I get to now GUIDE YOU QUEEN!
I’ve been passionate about guiding others on how to transform their mindsets so they can design and manifest a life of FREEDOM for forever now.
I had to learn the hard way through trial and error with little guidance.
The Money Manifestation Academy is everything I did to overcome my divorce, single mommyhood, depression, anxiety, perpetual brokenness, and limiting beliefs.
It led me to my soulmate and dream life in Mexico City.
You don’t have to learn the hard way.
It gets to be EASY and FUN.
I am a mindset and manifestation mentor, certified master NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, life coach, and the creator of the game changing program and manifestation experience- Money Manifestation Academy.
The Money Manifestation Academy is the Academy that can help shift everything for YOU.
I believe in my students and my heart lead approach makes you feel instantly at home in our Queendom.
Her coaching style:
Amoya has a different approach to coaching. Yes, she will hold you in loving accountability.
Yes, she does believe in your ability to complete the money manifestation’s action items.
Amoya believes in creating powerful hypnosis recordings for you and facilitating transformational group timeline therapy sessions.
She understand that emotions are real and meant to be felt not demonized.
In MMA, we work on the subconscious level which is where you operate from 95 percent of the time.
We create lasting change by rewiring and refiring what is happening underneath the surface and bring a level awareness to it so we can change on a core level which leads to massive change in our physical reality.
The Path You Choose IS Up To YOU...
Join before Monday March 20th At 3:33 PM CST and receive group bonus session
with Amoya Shante!
You get lifetime access to the Academy, Community, and live sessions. We DO NOT know if we will continue offering lifetime access again so if you are feeling the pull to join us, now is the time.
Great question! The Academy is for women leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs. In the Academy we have business owners, stay at home mommas, remote workers, and women with traditional jobs. You do not have to have your own business or even desire that to join us in the Academy. You do need to desire to change your relationship with money. That’s it. Money can come to you in infinite ways.
We have had students manifest their investment back plus more in less than a week of joining the Academy. Think about it. When you make a powerful decision the Universe does everything in his/her power to thing your desires into your reality. I think of investments and putting a direct order into the Universe saying you are READY to receive.
We don’t do hustle or burnout in the Academy. We do ALIGNMENT. Alignment will allow your money reality to shift without the efforting, pushing, and rushing. In the Academy, we enjoy the process and journey. This is your destiny. There is no rush.
The Academy isn’t a course. It’s a Money Manifestation experience and program that includes courses. It’s a living breathing body of work that changes lives every single day. It’s nothing like the courses you have taken. Trust yourself to get the results you desire. You were guided here for a reason.
We do not offer refunds and have yet to be asked for one. We believe in the program and the out-of-this-world amazing experience we have created.