Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM.

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante (The Subconscious Reprogramming Queen) and your certified Manifestation Mentor!

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM .

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

As Seen In

Hola, Beautiful Soul!

I am an entrepreneur, mom of four girls, fiance to the most amazing soul ever, and digital course creator who sold all my possessions to travel the world full-time as a former single mom of three.

I am master NLP practitioner certified by Yager Training Company in the following areas: Quantum Time Technique Practitioner, Practitioner Hypnotherapist Certification, Certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistics Programming.

After traveling the world full-time as well as living abroad in Canada, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Panama, and Mexico, I was inspired to start my very own online business teaching women how to transform their relationships with themselves and money so they can manifest their dream life.

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to break free from their limiting beliefs and create lives of absolute FREEDOM.

I have a heart centered approach that will help you go from feeling stuck and lost to feeling empowered and clear on the steps you need to take to create your joyful dream life.

I am passionate about helping people transform their mindsets so they can create wildly wealthy lives of FREEDOM!

My Blog

3 Simple Money Mindset Hacks That Will Help You Attract More Money

November 22, 20214 min read

1.Watch What You Say

Let’s play a game. Imagine that money is a person that you absolutely love. With how you currently feel, think about, and treat money, would Money want to be in a relationship with you? Be truthful with yourself here.

I know so many people who talk poorly about money, dislike people who have money, and are terrified to check their bak account yet can’t understand why their bank account remains the same grim reality. By feeling negative feelings about money you are broadcasting to the Universe that money is not something you want more of. Instead you are actually telling the Universe and your subconscious mind, that you want to keep living the same money stories that are not serving you.

This is how you would look at money if it were your lover.

Let’s change this. This week, I want you to write a love letter to Money. If money were someone you loved, how would you talk about it, feel about it, and treat it? I have a sneaky suspicion you would not be bad mouthing it or feeling terrible about it. Instead, the thought of money would make you smile and feel all warm inside like when you get a text message from your crush, right?

If Money were your crush, you would be talking about it all the time in the sweetest way, getting excited about the mere thought of it, and treating it like it was the best thing in the world.

Give this simple money mindset hack a try, and then go to my free Facebook community, the Money Manifestation Community with Amoya, and post how the excercise went for you.

2. It Is Only That…

How many times have you caught yourself saying something is too expensive in some shape or form? You are not alone. It used to be the first thing I said every time I saw or heard the price of something. It became my default statement for all things money. Well guess what? If I am constantly stating that things are too expensive, I will constantly live that reality. First, it is all about perspective. What is expensive for one person, is pocket change for another so what if you flipped it?

What if instead of saying something is too expensive, as soon as you see a price or hear a price you say, “That is all it cost! Wow! That I such a great deal”. Initially, you might not believe the words coming out of your mouth but with enough repetition, it can become a new belief system for you.

Each time you catch yourself about to say something is too expensive, insert the new statement of how it is such a great deal. By doing this, you start to change your belief system which will then help change your reality.

3. Track Those Dollars

I can not take credit for this amazing money mindset hack. My money mindset mentor, Denise Duffield Thomas, is the person I learned this amazing money mindset hack from. It is super easy and super fun. It is also super effective in helping you manifest money. Holy moly!

Start tracking all the money that comes into your life. Track every single penny plus all the value that comes into your life. If somebody buys you a coffee, you put the value amount in your money tracker. This money mindset hack is done seperately from your normal finance tracking because with this hack, you are not tracking the money going out only the abundance coming in.

Do you know how much money is actually coming into your life? I had absolutely no idea until I started tracking all the money coming in plus all the value coming into my life. I also set a money goal every month and kept increasing it and guess what? My income each month started to increase! It was like MAGIC.

Setting my monthly goal plus money tracking is one of my favorite things to do. There are many different tracking apps you can use but I absolutely love Denise Duffield Thomas’s Lucky Bitch app. The negative with it is that it is only for iPhones but it is super cute, easy to use, and it even makes a Cha Ching sound each time you add in money you received. I’ve been using it for almost a year now and my income continues to increase. Thanks Denise!

This money mindset hack helps train your subconcious to pay attention to all the abundance you are receiving. This feels super good and will broadcast to the Universe that you are open to receive even more.

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Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro
Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro