Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM.

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante (The Subconscious Reprogramming Queen) and your certified Manifestation Mentor!

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM .

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

As Seen In

Hola, Beautiful Soul!

I am an entrepreneur, mom of four girls, fiance to the most amazing soul ever, and digital course creator who sold all my possessions to travel the world full-time as a former single mom of three.

I am master NLP practitioner certified by Yager Training Company in the following areas: Quantum Time Technique Practitioner, Practitioner Hypnotherapist Certification, Certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistics Programming.

After traveling the world full-time as well as living abroad in Canada, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Panama, and Mexico, I was inspired to start my very own online business teaching women how to transform their relationships with themselves and money so they can manifest their dream life.

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to break free from their limiting beliefs and create lives of absolute FREEDOM.

I have a heart centered approach that will help you go from feeling stuck and lost to feeling empowered and clear on the steps you need to take to create your joyful dream life.

I am passionate about helping people transform their mindsets so they can create wildly wealthy lives of FREEDOM!

My Blog

How I Manifested My Dream Home In Mexico 

November 01, 20226 min read

“I manifested the seemingly impossible when I manifested my current home in Merida, Mexico.” - Amoya Shante

The beginning

There I was October 2021 in my tiny studio apartment in the shared villa I was renting in Merida, Mexico. This little studio was exactly what we needed upon our return to Merida.

It was our soft landing.

Every morning, I enjoyed a delicious Starbucks coffee in the white plastic chair right outside my door directly under the purple hanging flowers with a clear view of the gorgeous courtyard and pool.

With that said, although it was the perfect soft landing, things were starting to get uncomfortable.


A Shift Is Happening

My desires were shifting. This is important to understand. You can have one foot in GRATITUDE for what is and one foot in DESIRE for what can be. I desired an actual home and was no longer desiring my tiny studio apartment in that shared villa.

You can have one foot in desire and one foot in gratitude. -Melanie Ann Layer

I felt like I was playing safe with the studio apartment. I could afford it even if my income decreased. I wouldn't feel lonely because there was always someone around. Everything was included so there was just one bill to pay each month and that felt good.

Still... I felt a shift happening. A big shift.

At the time I'd only been dating Julio for about 6 weeks but there was no denying that something magical was happening between us at a rapid pace.

I attracted my soulmate.

Discomfort Sets In

Things started getting uncomfortable at the villa after my desires shifted for a new home. There was a sewage smell coming from my bathroom drain that would over power the studio.

Internet stopped being reliable all of a sudden.

I felt antsy and my dream little studio was turning into an uncomfortable and frustrating place.

Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

Until one day..

I looked at Julio and said "I'm ready to find a new home."

Instant Manifestation

Julio left my studio and then weirdly called me 30 minutes later and said, "I found you the perfect home."

I laughed because he had just left my place after I said I wanted a new home so how in the world could he have found a new home already especially with my crazy requirements.

I didn't want to pay more than what I was paying for my little studio.

I wanted a pool.

I wanted fully furnished.

I wanted a gorgeous luxurious renovated home.

I didn't want to pay a deposit.

I wanted a short contract to start off with.

Basically I desired the impossible because this request of mine does not exist in Merida, Mexico.

Instant Manifestation

Julio left my studio and then weirdly called me 30 minutes later and said, "I found you the perfect home."

I laughed because he had just left my place after I said I wanted a new home so how in the world could he have found a new home already especially with my crazy requirements.

I didn't want to pay more than what I was paying for my little studio.

I wanted a pool.

I wanted fully furnished.

I wanted a gorgeous luxurious renovated home.

I didn't want to pay a deposit.

I wanted a short contract to start off with.

Basically I desired the impossible because this request of mine DOES NOT exist in Merida, Mexico or so I thought.

But IT DID Exist

He sent over photos and told me to take a look. Still laughing I looked and then told him he was being ridiculous. The photos were gorgeous!

There was absolutely NO WAY this house was in my budget.

Absolutely no way.

Home in merida, mexico

Julio kept reassuring me it was and that we needed to just go see it. He told me the price and I swear I thought he was joking but he was being absolutely serious.

And even with the price, I could't afford it without having to have roommates.

This meant that if there was any possibility of me getting this home... I would have to convince my two roommates in the villa I was living in to also move into this new home.

A Beautiful Surprise

We pulled up to our potential new home and our roommates followed. The door was already open and the owner greeted us with enthusiasm.

I was shocked.

Not only was the home even more beautiful than the pictures. Instead of it being 5 bedroom and 4 bath like it was advertised, it was 3 bedroom two bathroom main home with two connecting studio apartments with their own kitchens and bathrooms and a separate entrance making it the perfect roommate situation.

I couldn't believe it!

I mean... I know I teach this but even this manifestation blew me away.

And with my two roommates paying for the two apartments and us living in the main house it means my rent would be the same as living in the tiny studio apartment I was living in.

A Change Of Heart

We left feeling excited but new we would have to out some rules in place with our roommates if it was going to work. I should add this would be the first time Julio and I were moving in together so that had some added stress.

He'd never lived with someone before.

I knew I would have to establish major boundaries like not going into each other's home without permission and things like that.

Unfortunately, one of our friends/ roommate were not down with the rules and the other one followed suit.

I felt defeated because signing for the home without agreement from our roommates moving with us and covering some of the expenses meant I could be stuck with a rent payment I couldn't afford.

Julio calmed me and held space and I worked through all my emotions.

I decided to move forward regardless of whether my roommates chose to come with me or not.

The home felt right.

I felt like the home for the future version up-leveled version of me I was stepping into.

It was everything I could have dreamed of.

With this solid decision from me to move forward, the Universe backed me.

Within a day of my decision my roommates had a change of heart and did decide to come with us.

A New Home

We moved into or dream home. I had no idea all the magic that was about to unfold but there is more... Stay tuned for part two.

How I Manifested My Dream Home In Merida, Mexico

Top Home Manifesting Tips:

Here is a quick checklist so you too an manifest your dream home:

  • Get clear on the home you truly desire and set the intention for manifesting it.

  • Be open to all the ways your dream home can come into your reality.

  • Take inspired action

  • Act as if it is already yours

  • Have ultimate faith that it is yours.

meridamoving to mexicoliving in merida mexicorenting in merida mexico
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Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

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Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro