Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM.

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante (The Subconscious Reprogramming Queen) and your certified Manifestation Mentor!

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM .

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

As Seen In

Hola, Beautiful Soul!

I am an entrepreneur, mom of four girls, fiance to the most amazing soul ever, and digital course creator who sold all my possessions to travel the world full-time as a former single mom of three.

I am master NLP practitioner certified by Yager Training Company in the following areas: Quantum Time Technique Practitioner, Practitioner Hypnotherapist Certification, Certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistics Programming.

After traveling the world full-time as well as living abroad in Canada, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Panama, and Mexico, I was inspired to start my very own online business teaching women how to transform their relationships with themselves and money so they can manifest their dream life.

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to break free from their limiting beliefs and create lives of absolute FREEDOM.

I have a heart centered approach that will help you go from feeling stuck and lost to feeling empowered and clear on the steps you need to take to create your joyful dream life.

I am passionate about helping people transform their mindsets so they can create wildly wealthy lives of FREEDOM!

My Blog

How Living In Mexico Makes You Wealthy

December 16, 20214 min read

Hello beautiful souls! It’s been a little while since I have given an update on life in Mexico.

My family and I moved back to Mexico at the end of July after being in the states for 7 months.

This was an unplanned and unexpected move back and this time. I came back with only two of my kiddos since one of my teens decided to stay behind in the states.

So much has happened since July.

New connections, love, business ventures, travel, and recently I moved into a beautiful new home.

Which brings me to the point of this blog post on How Living In Mexico Makes You Wealthy.

The Magic Of Mexico

Mexico is a truly special place.

It has an energy about it that instantly calms your soul.

Each time my plane lands in this magical city of Merida, Mexico, I feel at ease.

It is probably why I keep coming back despite any setbacks or obstacles that may come my way.

Now, how exactly does living in Mexico make you wealthy?

1.It Allows you To slow down

Living in Mexico makes you wealthy because it allows you to slow down and be present in the moment.

You get to enjoy the little moments. Maybe it is laughter or beautiful scenery.

Maybe it is suddenly hearing music from the home nearby.

I definitely have a personal connection here.

My initial trip here three years ago was transformational.

It’s where my healing journey truly started.

I was this single mom of three trying to figure out life after divorce.

It is where I started my business.

It’s where I formed beautiful friendships and lost beautiful friendships.

It will always have a special place in my heart for sure.

The slowness of Mexico helps you be more intentional. There is no rush. Instead, you get to actually enjoy life. Time has no concept here in this magical land.

So living in Mexico allows you to hug your family a little longer each time, take your time making love, allows you to truly taste your food, and helps you see that the only time is NOW.

Powerful Manifesting




2. The Magic Of Community

Some of the amazing Inner Circle Mommas and kiddos!

Another way that living in Mexico makes you wealthy is through community.

Mexico is big on family and community which is something I am passionate about and something I actually really struggled with the lack there of in the US.

Here in Mexico, community is prevalent. Families are large and helpful.

It is easier to meet up with friends on a whim and to not feel so alone.

Actually, the home I was in before I moved into our new place was a little community. We shared the home with three other families so when I was looking for a new home for us, I wanted to still do community living.

Luckily, my love, found the perfect home for me with a main house and then two studio apartments, and shared outdoor spaces so I was able to invite the families from my previous community home to my new one.

It has been a smooth transition.

I don’t believe we are supposed to raise families alone. I believe in the power of community. Mexico’s community focus instantly makes me feel more abundant and fulfilled.

My community here adds to my wealth every day.

My little one has someone to play with.

My teen can hop in an Uber and go visit friends.

And I can go upstairs to my roomie’s apartment and tell her I need attention. Lol

3.More Money In The Bank

  • If you are visiting or moving to Mexico from a country with a higher cost of living, then you will instantly become more wealthy by moving to Mexico because the cost of living is lower here.

  • This means that that nanny you have been dreaming of is finally in grasp.

  • That private school for your kid you hoped for, just became a possibility.

  • The weekly housekeeper and private chef can be your norm now.

  • And that luxury home you only previously dreamed of is the home you can actually have right now.

  • You don’t have to wait.

  • Feeling abundant before the physical evidence shows up in your bank account by utilizing the power of Incremental Upgrades is key in manifesting the wealth you truly desire.

4.The Sustenance Of Living In Mexico

The food here is abundant and fresh. I can walk to the local market and have access to delicious fruit and vegetables that my bank account will barely notice I bought.

Actually, I do not need to leave my house because I can have delicious groceries and food delivered right to my doorstep for a minimal fee.

If I DO want to leave my house, I can treat myself to a high class restaurant for the same cost as Ihop back in the states.

So yes… Moving to Mexico makes you wealthy.

It makes you wealthy with love, friendship, endless sunshine, beautiful scenery, wonderful people, and MAGIC.

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Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro
Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro